Sridhar_Blog_Retro planets

Retro planets :

Education :
Effect of retro planets :
Guru : more studious, jack of all master of none, may not be directly usef ul in feature,
Buda : not a good planner,cannot keeps the books properly,
Kuja : more agressive more logical, confusing nature,
Shani : good for R&D type study, slow good results,
Sukra : more sensitive,

One interesting about retro jupiter, in gochra planets while moving, jupiter enters retro when jupiter & ravi is shasthaastaka (6-8),  & back to normal when ravi & jupiter is navapanchama (5-9),

Concept of Retro :

Movement of panchataara planets (mer, ven, jup, sat, mars) is controlled by sun, these planets has to mantain certain distances (in degrees) from the sun, this distance is different for different planets, while moving  when it crosses a particular distance, that planet is attracted by sun,  that attraction towords sun is a -ve movement called as retro.

Saturn enters vakri with the same concept ( 240/180 degrees) & stay for about 135 days,
Like this mer, mars, venus enters vakri when 18, 45,48 degrees (apprxly +or-) differences with the sun position,

When Saturn goes retrograde there would be conflicts with authorities. There would be some amount of abuse involved. Even you might misuse your authoritative position to a certain extent. There would be troubles in getting yourself heard in your work place. Only patience pays till Saturn turns direct,

Jupiter is also a ruler of travel. When in retrograde, our travel plans would be adversely affected. Even the best well laid plans can fall apart. Luggage get lost, there would be failures in transportations, strikes and reservations just get cancelled or get mixed up... Hence double-check your travel plans when Jupiter goes retrograde.

When Mars turns retrograde you shall find it difficult to speak up for yourself. There would be a lack of self-confidence, a lack of drive and other hindrances that stand in your way of dreams. You want others around you to fight for you but would be disappointed by them. You have a feeling that you are being utilized by others around you during this time. However try to assert yourself and wait for Mars to turn direct when your confidence level ebbs up.

When Venus goes retrograde relationship issues crop up from nowhere. There would be certain inhibitions or restrains in your relationships. There would be all sorts of forces acting against your relationships particularly in the love area. Hence this is a time to act wisely and take proper decisions that would not impact your relationships severely.

When Mercury turns retrograde communications would be probably tough as Mercury is the Messenger God or rules all sorts of communications and connecting devices. Your words or a phone call might land you in trouble. It is better not to open up and instead lie low and wait for Mercury to turn retrograde.

Concept of Retrograde planets :

Retrograde planets the energies are turned back inward on the person & no longer is the fulfillment of this planetary pursuit to be found “out there” but within ourselves,

With retrograde planets you have a great opportunity to gain a better understanding of the areas signified by the retrogrades & at the level indicated by their signs.

People with many retrograde planets in their chart have to “go the long way” to find their path. People with zero retrograde planets tend to be the ones who decide what they are going to “be” in childhood, and actually do it.

With Venus retrograde in your natal chart, your concept of beauty is different, comes from a different place, than those around you. With Mercury retrograde, your thinking is different. With Jupiter, planet of philosophy, your ethics, morality and religion may differ from your family’s.

Retro planets :

1. If a planet is retrograde in its exalted sign, it loses its power to help the native.

2. If a planet is retrograde in its debilated sign, it gains more power and helps the native in all possible ways

3. If a planet is debilated and retrograde in Navamsa chart but anywhere in Rasi chart, will be helpful

4. Natural benefics (jupiter,venus,mercury,moon) if own 4,7,10 houses from Ascendant and are retrograde, then will cause more problems in all aspects to the houses they own and also the house they’re placed in.

5. Natural malefics (Sun,Mars,Saturn) if own 4,7,10 houses from Ascendant and are retrograde, then will benefic results in all aspects to the houses they own and also the house they’re placed in.

6. Any planet owning 1,5,9 houses(they shouldn’t own 6,8,12 at the same time) if retrograde will be helpful to the person.

7. If more than 1 planet in retrograde at the time of birth, then the planet with most number of degrees in its sign will effect the person more.

Effects of retro planets in different positions:

1. Retro planet in birth chart – indicate the deficiency of that chakra in the body and of that karakatwa at birth time.

2. Retro planet as a karmic planet – indicates more about bad karma committed by the native in his previous life connected to that karakatwa. What happened exactly in
previous life cannot be narrated –literally – but a retro planet indicates the area of error(s) based on its karakatwa.

3. A debilitated planet if in retro motion – gives good results.

4. An exalted planet if in retro motion – give difficulties in the dasa period of that retro planet.

5. Retro planet exalted in Rasi and debilitated in Navamsa varga – indication is GOOD
result in the dasa periods of that planet.

6. Functional benefics - if in retro motion – give GOOD results.

7. Functional malefic - if in retro motion – give BAD results

Remedies for retro planets  :

Retrograde planets indicate our past Karmas related to its karakattwa and house lordship of such planets.
The effect of past Karma had to be endured, and there is no remedy to ward them of.

The retrograde planet gives recurring positive or negative results, depending on where they are placed and if they are afflicted by malefics.

General remedies :

1. Do worship of Ista Devta , who gives strength to face adversities and shows the right path.

2. Other side REMEDIES , LlIKE UPASANA of Das Vidya's gives strength to act in right direction.

3. For shani vakri natives, Sani Stotra be recited Padma Purana Uttara Khanda Chapter 33.28-38, 2. then the mantra as recommended in the same purana. After that gifts of iron, gold and a blue sapphire should be given.

Stationary period of planets :

The transition between the appearance of forward motion into retrograde motion is called the stationary period. During its stationary period, planets has the appearance of not moving at all for few days. During this period planets will give very slow results. The days is different for different planets.

Mercury : less than a day
Mars : 5 days
Venus : 3 - 4 days
Jupiter : 5 - 8 days
Saturn : 11-12 days

Effect of Retro planets :

Mercury : Learning process is more Right Brain than Left Brain.

Venus : Reveals that your soul carries memories of past life painful relationships and a great misunderstanding about the nature of love.

Mars : Has strong tendency to place priority upon fulfilling your spiritual desires, resulting in neglect of the physical body’s needs.

JUPITER RETROGRADE : offers the opportunity for a highly spiritual incarnation.  You must seek your own Truth.

SATURN RETROGRADE is a sign of an old Soul who has advanced far on the spiritual path.  Now, you have incarnated to perfect what you have learned.

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