Sridhar_Blog_Shat chakras

Shat chakras:

The symbolic representation of a chakra is a lotus, with each chakra-lotus having its own particular number of petals. The greater the number of petals, the higher the frequency or vibration. As light flows through the chakras, it activates them. You can imagine this as the wheels 'spinning' or the lotuses 'blossoming'.

Each chakra is depicted as a lotus flower, each with a specific number of petals. The more petals the lotus flower has, the higher the frequency of energy that the chakra is attuned to. For example: The lower chakras have fewer petals, with the crown chakra having 1000 petals.

 The basic issues of each chakra:
1. Root - survival, grounding,
2. Navel - reproduction
3. Solar plexus - Will, power
4. Heart - Universal love, Christ consciousness
5. Throat - Verbal communication, creative imagination
6. Third eye - Connection with all points in space
7. Crown - Universal consciousness.

Chakra Color Element/Realm Kingdom Psychological/Spiritual
Root Red Earth Mineral Pleasure or pain
Navel Orange Water Plant Emotions
Solar Plexis Yellow Fire Animal Bodily "knowing"
Heart Green Air Human Empathy, altruism
Throat Blue Ether Angelic Inner hearing
Brow Indigo - Archangels and masters Inner seeing
Crown Violet, white - The Creator Full awakening to Source.

Activation of chakras : Particular words (mantras) whose sound vibration is said to correspond to the chakra are chanted aloud and then "listened to" internally. Breathing exercises such as "pranayama" and "the breath of fire" are practiced to fire up the process. This combination of techniques produces rapid awakening of the chakras.

The major energy centers lie at seven particular points along your spinal column.

When we engage in positive, loving or devotional activities, the spiritual life-force (kundalini) rises up the spine, nourishing the centers and giving us a feeling of vitality and joy.

As each energy center 'spins', it radiates its own unique color - one of the seven rainbow rays of God's light - at the spiritual level. The stronger and more pure emanations show a strong and balanced flow of energy. Weaker and duller emanations mean that the flow of energy is blocked. Having a blocked energy center can create fatigue, health problems, or emotional imbalances. When energy flows freely through an energy center, we feel energetic, creative, and at peace.

Our energy centers are points of contact with the aspects of our being that are beyond the physical, but they are also intrinsically linked to the body that we see and feel. You can think of them as a gateway to your spiritual self.

The first three chakras mooladhara, swaadesthana, manipura chakra are those we, as humans, share with the animals. we need to see that we survive. For this, we need to breathe, eat, drink, excrete, sleep, have shelter and protection from danger. After these survival needs are more or less provided for, we become interested in mating. Next, we become involved in the struggle for social rank. These behaviours characteristic of the first three chakras are easily observed in all animals including humans.

The heart chakra stands in the middle between the three lower and the three higher chakras. Very few humans have attained much awakening of the heart chakra. When this chakra begins to become active, our concern shifts from "what’s in it for me?" to that which is for the good of the other.

As for as anaahata or heart chakra is concerned, few other higher mammals may have made more progress in this area than most humans. Some animal communicators tell us that dolphins and whales have great love for humanity and desire to teach us the lessons in love that they have learned.

Activation of chakras : Particular words (mantras) whose sound vibration is said to correspond to the chakra are chanted aloud and then "listened to" internally. Breathing exercises such as "pranayama" and "the breath of fire" are practiced to fire up the process. This combination of techniques produces rapid awakening of the chakras.

The fifth chakra has also to do with the function of creative imagination; of visualization. A hint to those who want to persue this idea further: Divine creation comes about through the combination of visualization and sound vibration.

The sixth chakra has its physical location between the brows in the pituitary gland.
The pituitary is the master gland. It produces a large number of hormones and thereby chemically directs the function of the other hormone secreting glands.

 Spiritually, the function of the sixth chakra is in giving us access to information from sources far away from the physical body. All supersensory perception is received through this chakra.

When the sixth chakra is awake and active, distance melts into a great "here". There is still awareness of being a separate self perceiving.

The spiritual perception is "the vision of God, face to face".

The seventh chakra is called the "thousand petaled lotus". Its physical correspondence is with the pineal gland, located between the four lobes of the brain. The chakra itself is said to be located well above the head. When the highest chakra is awake and functioning, time and space dissolve into oneness. This is the state described as "cosmic consciousness". In this state, there is no longer a perceiver. There is only the one I AM, the Source. Those who have experienced this state say that they felt like there were "everywhere and all the time".

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