Sridhar_Blog_Varga kundali

Varga charts :

The varga charts from D-1 to D-12 indicate problems on physical level,

Those from D-16 to D-24 indicate issues related to the mind and intellect or the conscious level of experience,

Those from D-30 to D-60, show the unconscious influences at work that give rise to our physical symptoms.

Importance of navamsha :

Importance of D9 is equivalent to the importance of 9th house, like the strong 9th house gives the luck to the native, the same way strong D9 brings the luck to the native,

If D1 is radio, D9 acts as signal,  for proper & good clarity of  radio play, good signal is required, like that for any native, for proper functioning of D1, strong D9 is required,

Prediction through navamsha :

Nature of Spouse:

The native will get beautiful, cultured, intelligent wife and will be prosperous and wealthy in his life if navamsha Lagna Lord is,

Exalted, in Moola Trikona or in Own house.
In other Vargas posited in Kendra / Trikona
Do not have any aspect / association with malefics.

If Navamsha Lagna Lord is in Dusthana, debilitatated and has aspects of malefics, the native will get mediocre / bad natured wife.

Married Life :

If in Navamsha chart,
7th house and 7th Lord are aspected by benefics or Venus is in good House, the married life will be smooth and happy.

If 7th Lord is Sun or Mars the husband and wife will be mutually honest and trustworthy.

If Sun, Mercury is posited in 7th House, there will be extra marital affairs.

If Venus is 7th Lord and is exalted or posited in Lagna or 7th House, the native will have associations with many women.


If in Navamsha chart,
5th House has benefics, 5th Lord is in associated with benefics, the native will have good progeny,

5th Lord of Rashi chart is posited in Kendra /Trikona of Navamsha chart, the native will have good progeny.

5th House and 5th Lord are spoilt by malefics, the native will not have happiness from his children

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